Carolyn brings out a valid point.

My shelter is closed. But I DO adopt out, just did so with 6 in a 24 hr
period, last week. All to excellent homes. I'm strict on adoptions only
wanting the very best for the ferrets.

I currently have 52 here, and all are adoptable to the right homes.
They range in ages from 1 yr to almsot 10. Tymball will be 10 soon,
next month. Most people do not want older kids, but I do have a few
that do get a forever home. And quads are much harder to place as I
won't break them up. While the shelter is closed,that doesn't mean I
get to claim them as my personal kids. Far from it. I don't even have
a personal since I adopted out Stewie.

With all the kids here,my shelter may be closed but the work keeps
right on. And the bills. Both for foods/litters & vets.And that will
continue until each kid is either adopted out or passes on.

I know I'm very blessed to have my kids have awesome Santa's. One even
delivered the gifts. A sweet young lady whom has moved into my area,
and will adopt when she is settled in. To each of the Santa's, Thank
You so very much for being there for the kids. Not just my kids, but
every kid on the Tree.

Sandi Robinson
Heaven Scent Ferret Rescue/Shelter
Midland City,Al 36350

Petfinder AL 132
no kill
we always need volunteers
Please help us with funding & do a Good Search with us!!
We also are in need of sponsors for the older hospice needs. Just
$5 a month will help.

Remember God in all we do,for without HIM,we are nothing

[Posted in FML 6920]