Dear Jeff,

I am so sorry to hear that you lost Pop. I know you tried very hard to
keep him going and I'm sure he appreciated it.

Thanks for the info on the Deslorelin implant. I am still in the
process of trying to find a vet who will get the implant for me. I
think I have found someone, but until he speaks to the company, I won't
know for sure. The vet I was going to at first said she would get it
for me, then said it was too much paperwork and would be very expensive
and that I should use Lupron. I'm not seeing that vet anymore. She did
tell me that the implant lasted 6 months, and I had heard of people on
FML having theirs last longer than 18 months. But you're probably right
that it should be replaced, as by the time you realize it's no longer
working it could be too late.

My thoughts are with you. It must be so hard for you, losing ferrets
so often.

With sympathy,

[Posted in FML 6912]