Possum Senior Reporter - Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
December 2010

Possum Here: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everybody! Wow Suzie it has
been crazy around here again this month hasn't it -

Suzie Q Here: that's for sure Possum - one Saturday morning Miss Stacie
K stopped in to see mum - she asked if mum wanted the leaves in the
yard cleaned up - Miss Stacie K raked all our leaves and put them in
our garden - when she came in she asked mum where all the leaves came
from "you only have 2 trees" - it took her 4 hours to clean them up -
our yard looks great Miss Stacie - thanks -

Possum Here: remember last month we told you our box that cleans our
stinky laundry broke and mum was having it looked at - well it was
going to cost as much to fix it as it would to buy a new one - so mum
told the repair guy she needed to think about what she was going to do
- there is not that much money in the budget to fix or buy a new
cleaning box - So Miss Jackie R. came over every day to pick up our
stinky laundry and deliver the clean stuff - Miss Jackie sure saved our
mums butt - and kept us in clean things for 2 whole weeks - mum still
had not decided what she was going to do when she got a call from Sears
telling her they had a box that cleans cloths ready to deliver - can
they come on Wednesday - it was an anonymous gift to us - thank you
anonymous giver for our new box that cleans our bedding and for giving
Jackie back her life -

Suzie Q Here: Also remember last month we told you about Benji coming
to stay with us till our favorite doc could fix him - well our favorite
doc found something on his lung when we took him back on the 18th so he
is not going to be able to the have surgery - his mom came up from
Queens to see him and spend the weekend with us - Miss Donna D picked
her up from the train station in Rochester to get her to Naples - we
had a great weekend with Benji's mom -Benji was sure happy to spend
time with his mom

Benji goes back to our favorite doc on the 15th of December for another
check up to see what if anything doc can do to fix what is going on -
our favorite Doc needs to take another picture of Benji's lungs -

Iliana has been coming to help keep things caught up around here - she
does an awesome job picking up our toys - poopy papers and getting the
trash out of the house - she sometimes gets to play with her not so far
away girls Bandita and Delilah too - sometimes she comes when mum is
not here - so when mum gets home it is a surprise to have everything
all cleaned and picked up - Miss Iliana is one super duper helper
around here - the girls love it when she comes to play with them -
Possum did you know that Miss Jackie goes around to collect news papers
for us every week from the business' in the town where she lives - she
even brought us some she picked up from our favorite doc's office that
Miss Donna Z dropped off for us - the day Miss Jackie took some of us
kids up to see our favorite doc -

Possum Here: yep I knew that - one weekend mum had Miss Donna D - Miss
Mindy and Mr Pete all here at the same time - so they helped get all
us kids treated for ear mites while mum was busy cleaning our cages -
Mr Pete held us - Miss Mindy treated us and Miss Donna recorded the
treatment on our cage ID tags so mum has a record of when we get
treated - that is one major job to get us all done on the same day -
thanks you guys for putting stinky bug stuff on us - Miss Mindy has
been working hard doing cool things to our web site - trying to make
is more user friendly <http://www.ferretfarm.org/> - she puts a lot of
hours into that web site to make it the most awesome shelter site out
there -

Suzie Q Here: well Possum it is the end of 2010 another year has
passed - so many changes though the year - but next year is going to be
a big year did you know that in 2011 there is going to be a symposium
in Phoenix, Arizona - on June 3-5, 2011 -

Possum Here: YES! That means mum is going to be going away again!

Suzie Q Here: Yeah but Miss Donna D said she was going to come stay
with us remember all fun we had with her the last time she stayed with
us - mum was not sure she was going to be able to go to the symposium
because of the cost of air fair - but a shelter friend told her to find
someone to watch the shelter they would get mum there - they would get
plane tickets for her -

Possum Here: oh sure - we have a chance to keep mum home where she
belongs and someone takes care of the cost so mum can be away - nice -
Suzie Q Here: Look Possum - you know mum advocates for us fur kids -
you know she works hard to teach folks about us and how to care for
us - the symposium is just one more venue to do that - to help humans
to understand and care for us better - mum is a committee member -
vendor coordinator in fact - so she must be there to help the vendors
set up and get things organized - Geeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz - Possum you
are so selfish - anyway if any of you humans out there want to come to
the symposium to set up as vendor give mum and email and she will help
you make that happen you can reach her at [log in to unmask] -

This event is going to be a grand time - lots to learn - lots of ferret
people to meet and greet - ones you have met you can meet again - just
think - all under one roof - ferret people from all over the world
converging to talk about - learn about and share their thoughts about
ferrets -

Possum Here: will you stop pushing mum out the door - lets change
the subject - did you notice all the boxes that are coming in for
Christmas - the secret Santa's are doing their thing again this year -
things come in almost every day for someone - mum says we are so
blessed to have so many of you humans out there help her take care of
us and make our Christmas special - What'cha think Suzie are we done
with the news - 

Suzie Q Here: it looks like it - all the notes mum left us are gone so
we must have covered everything she wanted us to cover - the next time
you humans get to read our news it will be a brand new year -

Possum and Suzie Q want to say
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our house to your house - be
warm - be happy - be blessed - we will see you next year!

our new store site
Newest Shelter Video

Shelter Video
Fur kids with new homes
The Giving Effect

[Posted in FML 6910]