The story featuring Lydia Leonard and the Ferret Agility Trials was
shown today (but no one told me that it was coming on). Thankfully,
it will run again December 20th and Christmas day--check your local

It is a very short segment (less than 15 minutes) and is the first
one presented, so if you don't start watching at the beginning, you'll
miss it!

It was great fun to see friends and ferrets on TV! They mention that it
is the Ferret Agility Trials in Eugene, Oregon, but they don't mention
that the ferrets came from a shelter :(. My favorite piece is where I
award Max his Gold Medal and shake his paw--glad they included that in

Check it out! I'm the one in the purple shirt.

Melanee Ellis
Shelter Manager, Lane Area Ferret Shelter
National TV Star! LOL!

[Posted in FML 6910]