I sometimes hear of horror stories about *The Bad Guys*.

I'd like to tell you about some of The *Good* Guys.
And Jackson

Late in 2006 we got a call about a injured ferret that had been picked
up in the Vallejo, CA area. Could we take him out of state. I drove
down the next day.

AC officer ushered me to a break room where the ferret was kept *as the
barking dogs scared him*.

I was greeted by the most beautiful dark sable boy with huge black shoe
button eyes. Jackson was also held together by more than a dozen metal
staples, the kind used in dogs.

Story was he had lost his humans, another families dog brought him in
their house. They saw blood, and a *rabid squirrel*. Tried to chase him
out with a broom, called AC.

The officer knew this was a ferret, and took him to a on call vet that
had *never seen a ferret*. He decided to treat as if it were a small
kitten. Took one look at the teeth, and decided staples were in order.

As was putting Jackson in the carrier for the trip home, the AC officer
called several of the others to tell him goodbye. Tears, hugs and tears
from the *bad guys*. They also expressed regret that his humans were
afraid to look for him.

Jackson came to live here, and became a California spokes ferret at
educational events. The gentlest of ferrets, one that any small child
was allowed to pet. He accepted any new ferret that came here, but was
especially friend to Bizzy, my dear old blind lady.

Jackson went on to join his friend Bailey as part of the wedding party
for Isabella Gucci and Super Tonks.

Thank you California AC folks, and all you CA rescue people that have
worked so hard to make it possible for a wee ferret, held together with
staples, to have another chance at life.

Jackson passed on from lymphoma last Saturday. Survived by friend
Bailey, and a very sad and confused Bizzy.

Reno, Nevada

[Posted in FML 6898]