Deva, that is hilarious.

I know all fuzzies, cats, and dogs are all as different as people. Some
are avid hunters. And the rest...well, you saw for yourself!

We often took in rats; the ones who hid in the closet, I would send in
motherly Lucy to get out. She would scruff them, and drag them out for
me. We had a rabbit once; one ferret would herd it out for us. But

We had a mouse escape one time (it was supposed to be unable to get
out, the bars were very small and only on the top of the cage, so how
it escaped being paralyzed in the back legs, we still do not know).
However, I have avid "mousers", the ones that will chase a ball on a
string, hurling themselves at it, calculating, grabbing it with their
paws, and biting it a few times. I found the mouse in the cage - there
was barely a mark on it - but it was clearly dead. It had been tucked
under a blankie. I've found that only about 2 out of 10 ferrets are
actually "mousers", the rest really don't care (just my experience).
I'd also like to say that rats are completely different - they only
would go after rats who were afraid of them, and only when the rat
attacked them, would the mousers fight back - they didn't see them as
mice at all. One hairless rat would often annoy them by sneaking into
the cage and grooming them incessantly - she wanted to play with them
and would also run with them, but we had to stop her because she would
get scratches, being hairless.


[Posted in FML 6905]