Hi everyone,

I'm writing to see if anyone else has seen this/ thinks I should be
concerned: I've recently noticed what look like calluses on Valentine's
feet. It's just the hind feet, the first and last toe of both of them.
I was clipping his nails today and saw that one has actually developed
an outgrowth, like a little nail. It doesn't seem to bother him at all,
but it is WEIRD! A dozen years of keeping ferrets and I've never seen
this before! All three ferrets (not sure if I've officially introduced
Asa yet) are on the same linoleum flooring with blankets on it, and
Vally's the only one with callused toes. This has happened maybe within
the past month or so. He's not dealing with wire flooring or anything,
so I'm kind of at a loss.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Rachel, Valentine, Eddie, and Asa

[Posted in FML 6905]