Some of you may remember Bubbles surprising da Momma with this song
last Christmas....well....I heard a very soft low voice coming from the
crazy kid cage this morning, and of all ferts, it was Ollie, our famous
ollie-ball player and chief schmooz, who received his deslorlin implant
a month and a half ago. (He must have heard about it from Dobbin.)

sung to I'll be Home for Christmas:

I'll be fuzzy fer Kissmas
you can count on dat
'cause Mom got me Deslorlin
when I went to da vet

Da melatonin didn't work
Da Lupron din't  eeder
I was de only nekid fert
eatin at de feeder

I'll be fuzzy fer Kissmas
you can count on dat
'cause Mom got me Deslorlin
when I was at de vet

As one of my Slightly Used Ferrets, Ollie has enjoyed the wonderful
care of our vet here in Maryland. being six years old, he has come down
with both Insulinoma and adrenal disease both within the last year, but
i am ever so happy to see him getting a few new tufts of short fur
throughout his thin summer coat. Though later than the other kids, I
feel confident that by the coldest of weather here, he'll be well
protected. His energy level has also gone up and he's playing with my
18 month old, Chepe' like he's a kit.His aggression has subsided a bit,
he no longer tries to pull the other ferts under the sofa to stash them
away, Chese thinks this is a great improvement, and Marty, his favorite
stashed fert, is thrilled that he can play in peace. We decided that
the tree will go on the bistro table in the sun room this year, much
to the sadness and sighs of Chepe' the chief trouble maker, and our
chief tree climber, Zoe. I heard some whispering between Cheese and
Chepe. I can only surmise there is planning going on to check out the
decorations and steal all Moms little stuffed mechanical toys. Just
wait guys...I'll bring in a bucket of snow so cold it'll make you
pee!!!! I have my own little revenges! Just my luck, it won't snow
in MD this year.

Cindy & the Slightly Used Ferrets (9)

be safe, watch for ferret traps in your holiday decorations, and be
sure to love your ferrets, family and friends as much as you can this
holiday season and every day

[Posted in FML 6898]