Hello all, I have a strange question about my little Oly. He is a
2 year ferret that I got from Petco, and he has a strange habit of
wanting to stand when he urinates. He will walk to a table or chair
leg and stand up and hold onto the leg and he will pee right there.
And then he happily walks away. I have read about adrenal ferrets and
wanting to "mark" but Oly shows absolutely NO other signs of adrenal.
He has a very full fluffy tail of fur, he is the gentlest, loving, and
cuddly, boy that never shows any signs of aggression. I just think he
likes to stand when he pees. He also likes to walk over things that can
rub on his tummy, like a three wick candle, or pretty much anything
that he can drag his tummy on... It is very strange and I was just
wondering if anyone else has had a baby do this. If anyone has any
ideas of why he might do this or any ideas to get him to stop, please
e-mail me (Me and my furniture will thank you!)

Thank you very much and have a great Holiday

Lori and the three fuzzies, Oly, Annabelle and Scooter

[Posted in FML 6904]