No. 421 and Oliver had just finished breakfast when Bluebird came up to
their door. She was tapping on the door and flew in as No. 421 opened
it, landing by the stove.

"Boy this is nice and warm," she chirped. "But, we has some serious
business to attend to. The Boss was out checking around to see if we
were all ready for winter when he came to a big group of ferrets
snuggled down in a pile of clouds in the holding field just before
the Rainbow Bridge. He wanted to know who they were and why they were

No. 421 and Oliver just looked at each other. "I did not know anything
about them," No. 421 said. "What did The Boss say? Did you forget to
bring me a ticket? I think I need to see The Receiving Angel and find
out what happened."

With that said, No. 421 and Oliver set out for the Gate. When they
arrived, The Receiving Angel was all in a dither. "I'm so glad you are
here," he said. "Look, I had a group of ferrets come in without being
greeted. I put them in the holding field, and they have been there ever
since. Someone named Mr. Ferret has been taking the food order over to
Bakin' Bertha's every morning, and she sends her hired ferret Buddy
over with the meals. The Boss came around yesterday and He thought
we should find a place for them before winter. That is all I can
tell you." Skye stuck his head around the cloud pillar and told The
Receiving Angel that a ferret named Ripples had just arrived. "He said
he was looking for the South Shore Ferret Gang and he was told he
should look up a Mr. Ferret."

"This is the right place," The Receiving Angel said. "Send him over."
A lone ferret walked around the cloud and over to No. 421. No. 421 put
out his paw and gave him a big smile. "Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge,"
he said. "These are members of the shelter you lived at, and they have
been here waiting to cross. Why don't we all cross together and make
plans to find you a home of your own. Would you be Ripples?" "Yes, I'm
Ripples," the ferret said. "I was looking forward to having my own
place, when I began to feel sick. I went to sleep, and I could not find
my way. Now, I'm here, do I have to leave again or can I stay here

"Son, No. 421 said. "You never have to go anywhere again. These ferrets
all lived with Mom Diane at one time, and Mr. Ferret lived with her
for only one hour. Still, you are all here and now you will wait for
her." Mr. Ferret stepped out of the group and approached Ripples. "Hi
Brother," Mr. Ferret said. "Our Mother Diane is a wonderful lady. She
gave me a lifetime of love in an hour. I know she loved you to. Now
lets all send her a message that we are here and together and doing

No. 421 motioned for Shooting Star to step forward. "Hello Ripples,"
she said. "I'll take a message to Mom Diane tonight for you. What do
you want to say?"

Ripples looked down, a big silver tear fell off his whiskers and rolled
off the cloud. "Tell my Mom I loved her the best," Ripples said. "Tell
her, I found Mr. Ferret and he will be my friend. It's okay she was not
with me when I went to sleep, I was so tired I just closed my eyes. I
guess I'll go with the rest of the gang and we will wait for her. At
least I know I was loved, and now I have family, and we can lay in our
hammies at night and talk about her. Don't be upset about sending me
off alone, I took a whole bunch of your love with me, all the hugs and
kisses you gave me; I saved every one, and I know you really loved me,
you did not just say you did, you really did, and I will have that with
me forever."

The other ferrets began to add hugs, Mr. Ferret, adding a few of his
own before he wrapped them around the message, and handed it to
Shooting Star.

"I'll take this to South Shore tonight," Shooting Star promised as she
bent over and dropped a kiss on the top of Mr. Ferret's head.

Oliver came running down to the gate and seeing No. 421, he vaulted
over it and rushed up to him.

"Hey, No. 421, I found a big mound that is vacant, big enough to hold
this crew and a few more," Oliver said. "The group can live there while
they wait for Diane. Also, it is just a stone's throw from Bakin'
Berthas cafE. The gang that lived there have gone with their Mama and
The Boss said we could have it. He was resting by the Silver Stream and
I asked Him."

"Then it is all settled," No. 421 said. "With Mr. Ferret in the lead,
the happy gang skipped down the path. No. 421 just looked at the
Receiving Angel and smiled. "This is wonderful," he said. Just think
how Diane will feel when she knows all her furkids are safely over the
Bridge, they have a home and are waiting for her."

Their happy laughter faded away, and Oliver and No. 421 started down
the path for home. Shooting Star dipped low as she rode on the back
of Gentle Breeze and waved good by.

Once home, No. 421 wrote in his logbook, another Mission Accomplished.
Ripples is here with family, and they all have a real nice mound to
live in. They will be busy decorating it for themselves and Ripples
will have a fine friend in Mr. Ferret.

[Posted in FML 6873]