This time of year gets me sentimental thinking about both the ups and
downs of the last year. Not helped by the passing of one of my little
girls today. She had been ill off and on awhile and had finally decided
it was time to stop fighting. She left overnight and I found her this
morning. Then I have surgery scheduled for Monday for another little
one even thoguh it is necessary, I hate having them put under and the
worrying afterwards is hard. Sometimes it is easy to let the sadness
overcome you but it also helps to think of the positives you have had
(hopefully) in the last year. Here are a couple of good thoughts
inspired so much by those of you here, and the participants of the
Giving Tree.

Princess Dot, hopefully some of you will remember Dot from my posts
last fall. She had come in near death, starved, neglected and most
likely beaten or purposefully injured anyway. It was touch and go for
her, I debated so many times was I doing the right thing by fighting
for her, or would she be better if I quietly let her go. BUT as Dot
would tell you (if she could anyway) she wanted to live, she is a
special needs little ferret now. She eats soup daily, (doesn't much
care for kibble), she walks round and round in circles (thanks to the
head injury which left her permanently neurologically injured), she has
no idea that ferrets are supposed to poop in corners (and definitely
not supposed to tromp her way through poopies while walking). But she
loves cuddling, kisses, snuggling and her special soup. She is off in
her own little world, but I think it is a happy world to her. I thank
all of you for your support, encouragement, knowledge, stories, and
care packages for Dot, some days I know I could not have made it with
out you!

Tink, was on the tree last year, I posted here after Christmas as her
Secret Santa had failed to come through for her. Off all the babies
this hurt me most, I know it was silly of me, but she was the oldest
fuzzy here at the time, her life had been so sad, she was on multiple
meds, and bald besides, but she was a happy cheerful and loving little
girl. What saddened me was that she was around 8 years old and with so
many health issues I did not think she would make it another year and I
wanted that one to be special for her, and thanks to so many of you out
there is was special for her, just a little late! BUT keep your fingers
crossed as she is still going strong, climbing cages, tunneling, eating
great, and bald but beautiful is her motto. The shots neither melatonin
nor lupron seem to make much difference in her hair, she has some from
her head to her shoulders, and fuzzy legwarmers at times but she is
amazing. Everyone who sent her packages after Christmas sent so many
beautiful things, she is still enjoying all of that and I wanted you to

On the not as positive side, I am asking for some prayers for my
Oreo-Muffin as well perhaps as advice. Oreo has a tumor growing on her
front foot, actually almost at the ankle area between the foot and leg.
It has popped up in less than a month and at least doubled in size.
She goes in Monday to have the tumor and as much of the foot/leg area
removed as the vet feels is necessary. I will know more Monday when the
vet sees her again, she saw her 2 weeks ago when it first appeared, but
with the way it has grown I know it has to come off. If she amputates,
which I know may happen, I will need advise as I have not dealt with
that before. Any thoughts or suggestions for making this as easy as
possible and successful as possible is appreciated. I will have a
hospital cage set up by my desk (I work from home now) so she will be
watched as much as I possibly can.

I do plan to have Oreo-Muffin's story turn out as a positive story
though, as I plan to give you all an update next year around this time
as to how well she has done in the year!

Thanks always for listening, sometimes that is truly what we all need!

Forget-Me-Not-Ferrets of Quincy, IL

[Posted in FML 6873]