The Lolly-gator

Now, Lolliepop, aka Lollie-gator, was brought to me by a Mom who was
taking her daughter, Lollies' owner, to drug rehab for a serious
addiction. The Moms' main priority was concentrating on her daughter.
No room for ferrets. Lollie came with Oliver, but he's another tail.

The shelter I volunteer at told me about them and gave me a number to
call to set things up if I wanted a couple new to me Slightly Used
Ferrets. I still stung from losing several kids just after Christmas
to various cancers. I needed the diversion, and a good ferret fix. I
said yes. Would I have said no if I knew the challenge that would fall
in my lap like a bowling ball with razors? Nope. Here's how it went:

I took the two new kids to the vet immediately, had blood drawn for an
over-all well check and to adv test.The tests all came back good. The
two were reportedly five years old, thin and yet there was that little
spark of "I need time, love and someone to prove that I'm a good kid"

There were litter issues. they both pooped everywhere. I was finally
able to stop that in the cage by limiting the number of levels they
could go on, and then putting nice clean blankets all over the floors.
They didn't want to poopie on the nice comfy blankets. out of the cage
took longer, as we have a very large area that the kids all roam,
pretty much the whole down stairs. I found if I scooped boxes right
before I let them out, they would go in the boxes. Also I could not
clean the boxes a lot. if it was too clean, they didn't think it was
for going potty in. Now they are model citizens as far as the potty
box goes.

Anyway, back to gator girl. She is the most pretty little sable girl
with big dark expressive eyes that can either melt you or make you
step away depending on the situation. Having just lost my Bubbles,
another beautiful sable, I so much wanted to connect with this little
foundling. But, she didn't trust me or anyone for that matter. I could
pick her up for only a moment and then I was bit really hard. She
didn't want to be held at all.

After about two months of being bitten, but being gently persuasive, I
taught her that Mommy gives treats, Mommy talks to you, and is gentle,
she would let me hold her for about five minutes before she wanted to
get down. If I ignored it, she would bite. Best to be vigilant with the
gator. Worst yet, my husband ,Russ, a very gentle soul who tolerates my
love of these little critters with the patience of a saint, was Lollies
favorite biting toy. If he picked her up for even a moment, she bit
hard, often leaving him bleeding, and once I had to remove her from his
arm. She also would bite my teen age son really hard. Though Lollie
warmed to me and my daughter, she was a Jeckle/Hyde or a Lollie/Gator
with the guysfor well over six months. I kept having them give her
treats, which helped in the long run, and instead of picking her up,
they first gained her trust by just petting her where ever she was
standing. At first she would run if they tried, but if they gave a
treat, and pet at the same time, the gator was quelled. now everyone
coud walk around without loss of limb or vampire punctures.

The gator learns a trick. Now that trust was established, I needed to
teach some manners. It is not polite to chew on those who you wish to
give you treats. Hoomins don't like being told you want to get down by
making bite marks on them. Ankles with and without socks are not chew
toys. sooooo.........

I started by holding the gator longer than she really wanted. if she
bit, I said no, but would not let her down. She apparently knew what no
meant. She would look at me and sigh, then bite again. I would say no
again firmly, and pet her more. After about fifteen minutes of this,
and never directly after a bite, I would let her down. I did this three
times a day during her 4-6 hour playtime. She realized biting would not
work, but Mommy was still not going to hurt her. this house had no pain
in learning. These little kids are so intelligent. You could almost see
the wheels working. After a couple days of this, she tried scratching,
with the same result. Finally, she tried by licking my arm, to which I
said "oh you want to get down? I'd give her a kiss, and then put her
down. I kept still doing this manners training for several days until
she was consistently licking to get down. Now to get the gator off my
ankles when she wanted a treat. Hmm. Maybe I can do the same thing. If
she was good and just stood by me asking for a treat, I would give her
one. I always give treats at my desk.It's one surface they cannot get
on top of, and I have a drawer for goodies, and a drawer for ears,
nails and fur brushes. If i was working on the computer, and didn't
notice her right away, she would bite me. I took to firmly saying no,
and pushing her away with my foot. No treat, you stinky!!! After a
while, she learned that if she put her cold little nose on my ankle,
I would acknowledge her, and give her a treat.

So now we have manners, we don't eat the people we live with, and we
can even be out of the cage when the kids have friends over , with
supervision of course, what's next?

The only thing I hoped for all along was a connection with this little
girl. I didn't know she would respond so well to training and become
such a good girl. It's all worth it when you know that they know you've
helped them. You have given them a better life, that you love them no
matter what. Lollie is my girl. I earned every arm lick and every
gentle nose on my ankle. I just wanted to see a connection instead of
indifference. She turned six, a year anniversary with us in February.
She is still very healthy,active and I believe happy. She smiles and
perks her ears when I come to let everyone out to play. that fuzzy
little smile where I can just see her bottom teeth is worth a million
bucks. She seems to know I love that, because she does it often.

then as I hug her and go to put a sleepy little girl in the hammy with
all her buddies, I kiss her goodnight, and of all things, she licked my
cheek. I melted. A year and a half of bites, nips, but hugs and kisses
in return, the gator kisses me. I waited for a nip to follow, but it
didn't, Just one small kiss and she was ready for bed. I tucked her in
and told her good night, My heart a sloppy mess of love and knowing I
did okay for her, and she knows she will always be loved.

But.........what do I call her now? Lollie gator does not fit anymore,
just like when you blow up a balloon, She has become so much more.

Cindy and the gang of Slightly Used Ferrets (9)

All good things need a do stuff!

[Posted in FML 6872]