I just have to add my two cents worth to the letter about the CL
complaint over adoption prices.

Let that person complain and know they aren't someone you would want
to adopt to. If they're that cheap they don't want to pay an average
adoption fee what happens when it comes time that the ferret needs
medical treatment? They may refuse to give the poor thing medical care
because they are too cheap to pay for it. What about good quality food
over WalMart or other no brand food. What about nice bedding?

People who are willing to pay the fees without question are the ones
who will give the ferret all the love and care it so much deserves.

Giving away any animals free or next to nothing only leads to the
animals suffering. Snake feeders and Class B dealers are out there all
the time looking for free animals and are very convincing that they
will give the animals a good home. They have to be, they make their
living off them. I once had someone call me wanting to know if I had
old ferrets I would give him to feed his snake.

Even the Humane Societies and ASPCAs will tell you that a free animal
is an unappreciated animal in 90% of cases. Animals need to be
protected from bad "owners" as well as snake feeders and Class B
dealers and it can take as little as charging adoption fees to do it.
I know there are shelters/rescues out there who don't charge adoption
fees and I want them to be aware of this too. Please believe these
animal dealers are very convincing.

Hold your head up and don't budge. You have every right to charge a
fee and recoup some of your cost. How would you keep your doors open
otherwise. Anyone who would balk at the fee will balk at the cost of
keeping and providing medical care to the poor creature.

I think you can see you have the support of the FML community on this.
Don't let the person make you feel you are doing something wrong.

Thank you for caring for the homeless fuzzies.

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody.


[Posted in FML 6891]