>From:    Deb <[log in to unmask]>
>I think the problem is not with the information you provide but the way
>you provide it. You become offensive in your righteousness and that
>raises everyone's hackles, or at least you do mine. I try not to read
>your posts or any referring to them, life is too short for that.

It seems to me that those who find Kim's posts on natural feeding
offensive don't want to hear why feeding kibble is not in their
ferrets' best interests or welfare. What I find extremely offensive
and which raises my hackles are posts which attempt to denigrate
Kim personally as well as make misleading and false statements about
feeding a raw/whole prey diet.

I can understand Kim's frustration when she tries yet again to educate
those who don't want to be educated. It makes me very sad to read about
ferrets with insulinoma, IBD, or other gastrointestinal issues which
are so common in kibble fed ferrets. These health problems are rare to
nonexistant in ferrets who are fed the diet they were designed to eat,
ie, a raw/whole diet.

[Posted in FML 6890]