Dear Ferret Folks- 

I missed a few days of the FML . Med change, had a heck of a time
focusing for a while there. There is an oh-my god HUGE difference
between 2.5 and 5mg of Abilify, trust me! Anyway, I finally got to see
Linda and Dave eat kibble. It made me think of something my friend Dave
texts--FOOWCL. I am not a big fan of texting or the ways in which it
butchers the language. However, FOOWCL is near and dear to my heart.
Dave has cerebal palsy and uses a wheelchair exclusively . "FOOWCL"
means "Falls Out Of Wheel Chair Laughing."

It was delightful, guys. You are good sports, both.

Alexandra in MA 

[Posted in FML 6870]