I have taken in a male ferret from a woman who rescued him from a bad
situation but was not looking to keep him. We do not know his age. His
teeth are very white which leads me to suspect that he must be young.

I took him to the vet to be neutered. One testicle could be felt and
the vet got it, but the other one could not be found.

We are not quite sure what course of action to take at this point. Do
we wait till spring for a rut to see if the other one comes down or
do we try to get it out now? Apparently this is rare. My vet is doing
research on this, but I just wondered if anyone out there knows about
this or has had a similar experience.

The vet also said that she has heard of ferrets having only one
testicle done and leaving the other on purpose to "tease" the female

He is staying at her house, where there are no other ferrets, till the
results of his AVD test comes back and if the test is negative, Jensen
will be part of our family. For a ferret that has had such a horrible
life, he is a sweetheart. Everyone at the vet's fell in love with him.



[Posted in FML 6886]