Hi ;)

This is for Debbie with the ferret who had odd colored poop ..

Your ferret didn't poop and pee on a newspaper by chance, did they?

One of ours did and the ink ran from the other side, which just
happened to be the "funny papers" so his poop was composed of many
lovely strange colors;)

We had 8 ferrets at the time and the only way to find out "who" had
left it there (before we realized where it came from) was to wake one
up, at a time, at 4 am (just when we were all in deep sleep) and take
them to our bathroom tile and shut the door....

Not sure about your ferrets, but ours always peed and pooped when they
woke up;)

Needless to say, I was a very sleepy, confused mama after watching 8
ferrets do their business and producing nothing but beautiful poopies..

Okay, it was then we realized it had been the newspaper..;)

A hard way to learn another ferret "life lesson" hahaha

Best wishes but remember, even the healthiest of ferrets can have very
strange poops..they may have even found some tidbits off the floor ..
It doesn't take much;)

I put NOTHING past any of them ;)

Be sure to keep us posted!!

Love and hugs,

Sadly missing 
all 16 of her kids:((

[Posted in FML 6884]