>From: The Prince's <[log in to unmask]>
>I would like to ask what is the "correct" size for a ferret. Please
>don't tell me "not cat sized" because I have a cat that is about 1.5
>lbs and my ferrets are all larger than him. I also have a 12 lb cat
>and my ferrets are no way close to his size. So, in the opinion of
>the AFA and other ferret owners, what is the appropriate size?

Personally? I have females averaging from 550 grams, to 1200 grams. My
males range from 900 grams to almost 1600 grams. I'm thinking those
are likely average weights for North American ferrets who usually come
from the mills, and have had a pediatric spay/neuter. I do have an
acquaintance in the UK who's males are approx. 4-7 lbs. But again,
these are whole hobs.


[Posted in FML 6883]