We nearly lost our Daddy, there was something going on and we tried to
help him to stand up from his chair, he went down to his knees. Mommy
came to help us. She got Daddy out side to the deck and then came in
and told us that she will be gone and we could not come. They were gone
for almost 10 hours, then they showed up. Daddy potassium was down 2.2
which is not good! Mommy said that they gave him 2 potassium pills then
IV with potassium in. They took more blood test and it only went up .1
and then they gave him some nasty tasting potassium to drink, 3 hours
later it was up to 3.9, they said his heart muscles would stop moving.
Thank goodness Mommy told him that he was going in now.


[Posted in FML 6880]