I run a small ferret rescue. I have an approximately 2 1/2 year old
female that has lymphoma. She has enlarged lymph glands behind her
front and back legs and slightly enlarged at the neck.

About a month ago, she had a spell of coughing / hacking very hard for
several hours one evening. It wasn't from a hairball. This sounded like
a cough my dog had when his heart was failing. Every now and then she
will stop and cough like that for a short bit. Since then, she has also
started snoring very heavily. I know snoring is normal in ferrets. It's
just her heavy snoring started at the same time as this coughing.

The vet can feel a tumor in her abdomen. For a couple of weeks, she had
diarrhea off and on, seemed to be uncomfortable and was not playful.
The vet thought the tumor might be adhering to the intestinal tract
or causing some problem with her digestion. We scheduled exploratory
surgery the following week. Before then, the GI problems seemed to
clear up. She started eating and playing again.

I've started her on Prednisilone 1.25 mg once a day. The vet would like
to do exploratory surgery, which is 25% cheaper than an ultrasound
around here. He feels there may be a tumor that's pressing against the
abdomen, intestines or even lungs that may be able to be removed and
alleviate some of her problems.

I'd like input from others concerning this please. Debbie, Kindness
Matters Ferret Rescue, Acworth, GA

[Posted in FML 6880]