I know this is probably bad timing with all the Ferret Giving Tree
orders that are going to be coming in to people's who are selling
bedding; but, I am pretty ill & I can't sit long at the computer. What
I need is to get some bedding for my own personal ferrets. I don't feel
well enough to try to Google all the ferret bedding stores/businesses
that are out there. I need two hammocks that are larger than 15 x 20. I
have one very big albino boy, one medium sable boy & one petite sable
girl & they love to stretch out long so I need a pretty good size
hammock for them & the 15 x 20 hammocks that I do have are just too
small for them. They work out fine with the other fuzzies. I also am
looking for a few medium sized sleep sacks. And last but not least I
want to order a dozen of crocheted eggs.

If people that sell bedding & eggs could contact me at: [log in to unmask]
with sizes & prices I'd be so grateful. The only stipulation I really
have is that if you are a smoker to please not reply to my post because
my hubbs & I are deathly allergic to cigarette smoke. Before the Giving
Tree went up I contacted a well known lady here on the board about my
order & I've never heard back from her & it happened to some other
people last year, too, so I am assuming that she is not going to get
back to me. I'd really appreciate anyone taking the time to help me out
with this.

Thanks so much!!


[Posted in FML 6874]