Hey don't forget - we're still working toward a goal of $750 (then
again - if we don't get to $750 I don't have to sample ferret food and
Linda still does heheheheheheh). The grand event is at 3 PM ET, Sunday
Oct 31 at my home and on http://www.ustream.tv/ Just so everyone knows
I posted a video clip of ferrets on the ustream site. It is brief and I
think you need to endure a commercial. We will also figure out how to
post this event to Youtube after it is shown live. The search term you
want to enter is ferrets214 for ustream. Let's get those last minute
donations in to Travis! Use one of the following links provided by

You can use any of the following options:
* Paypal to [log in to unmask]

* Prairie Wildlife Research's facebook page

* PWR's web site http://www.prairiewildlife.org/ Click on the green
Donate button on the right. (minimum $10)

* Check made out to "Prairie Wildlife Research" and mailed to
Prairie Wildlife Research
PO  Box  308
Wellington, CO 80549

For all options, be sure to note that it's for the "TF for BFF Taste

One last note: I had one request to view the occasion live. We are in
North East Ohio and if you want to come over and see the event there
is a $10 donation request (which will benefit Ferrets Unlimited Rescue
Services). You have to let me know in advance so I can make sure there
is enough left over chocolate for everyone!


[Posted in FML 6865]