Hello everybody,

I'm writing because I'm concerned about my now only fuzzy, Matilda.
She's a senior at 7 and a half years old. She unfortunately is adrenal
and has insulinoma, arthritis and cataracts. In spite all this, I think
she's in pretty good shape. She eats with appetite, and seems to be
enjoying her hammie and her fleece blankets (she sleeps a lot now).
However, recently I have noticed that she doesn't make it to the
"bathroom" and soils herself, her bedding, anywhere she happens to
be at the time the urge comes. My vet has always told us that you
know it's time to let them cross the bridge when they start soiling
themselves (considering they are very clean animals and will make every
effort to keep their bed and food clean). So my husband has been
telling me that perhaps the time is coming to let her go. I don't think
so, I believe Matilda's incontinence has more to do with her age that
with her being very sick, just like many senior human beings who happen
to use diapers. Any thoughts? Has anyone observed that senior fuzzies
develop incontinence, not linked to suffering or sickness, but just
age? Also, she lives in a 3 floor cage, but I'm starting to think she
might be more comfortable and perhaps would be able to make it to the
litter box if I moved her to a single floor cage. On the other hand,
maybe having a 3 floor house helps her get a little exercise going up
and down? Besides, this is the cage she has lived in practically her
whole life so I don't know...

After all this rambling, I'm just looking for thoughts and others'
experiences with oldies. I want my baby to live the last part of her
life as nicely and comfy as possible. There should be a Senior Ferrets
for Dummies!

Thanks for reading.

Alicia and The Precious -- Matilda & Mateo and Lucas @The Bridge

[Posted in FML 6865]