With the Farm Stand closed for the winter, Oliver and No. 421 were just
taking things easy. Their cabin was all ready for winter, wood was
stacked, and now was a time to rest.

The two had just sat down to a breakfast of raisin muffins, eggs and
ferretone tea when there was a commotion on the porch. No. 421 went to
the door, and looked out. No one was there. He closed the door and went
back to his seat. The tapping continued. Oliver went to the door, but
with the chairs in for the winter, he looked out but didn't see anyone.
Then he felt a peck on his back paw. Bluebird was there, and with no
chair back to land on, she was on the floor. Both ferrets did not look
down, so no one saw her.

Bluebird ruffled her feathers and plumped herself up to her full
three-inch height.

"Hello Oliver," she chirped. "I think you should put something out here
for me to sit on. I have very important work to do and I need to be
seen." And with that said, she marched right in to No. 421's chair and
up onto his knee.

"I has a ticket for a 11 year old ferret that crossed and needs
family," Bluebird said. "The Receiving Angel is holding her because she
is elderly and has not returned to her youth yet. See what you can do;
I has to get back. Oh yes, please fix me a seat on your porch for the

With that said, she turned around and marched out the door taking to
the air in a matter of seconds. No. 421 looked at Oliver. "Boy was she
upset," he said. "We had better get a perch out there for her as she
really is small, and I did not look down. Well, let's see what we have
here. We'll finish up and you go to the Meadow of Dreams and find
Dolly, Tillie, Olga, Tigger, Zipper, Podo, Sandy, Nibbler, Sam, Yang,
Spanky, Lincoln, Coconut and Bouncy -- I'll go get, lets see, ummm,
oh Tumor."

Oliver took one more raisin muffin for the trip and started out the
door. No. 421 finished his tea, put the dishes in the sink and left for
the gate.

Skye greeted No. 421 as he walked down the cloud path. "The Receiving
Angel has gone for breakfast," Skye said. "If you're looking for the
new lady that arrived, here she is. Just sign here." No. 421 signed for
Tumor and taking her by the paw, the two went back up the path. "Where
are we going," Tumor said. "I need to get back to my home, the other
kids will be all over my sleepsack. This is very nice, and I'm feeling
so much better, but I really can't stay here."

"Ms. Tumor," No. 421 began. "This is the Rainbow Bridge and you arrived
here because you were ill, and your time on earth was up. My currier
Oliver has gone ahead to find the family you have here, and you can all
wait until Mom Kim comes for you."

Oliver was wandering around the Meadow of Dreams when he saw a group of
ferrets playing. One called to another, "Hey, Zipper, throw that ball
over here."

Zipper thought Oliver, that's one of the guys I'm looking for. "Hey
fellers, do you remember a lady named Tumor when you were on earth?"
Everyone stopped playing and just looked. "Oh yes," said a ferret named
Sandy. "She was always booting us out of her sleepsacks even if it was
not hers. Why do you ask?" "Well, she has crossed the Rainbow Bridge
and is waiting to meet up with you," Oliver said. "Could she maybe live

"Oh my," Sandy said. "Hey gang, Tumor is here. Look some of you come
with me and we will greet her, the rest of you stay and pick this place
up. Fix a hammy and a sleep sack in the spare room, and put the kettle
on for tea. She will be needing a bite to eat."

That said, Sandy, Lincoln, Coconut and Bouncy left with Oliver for the

No. 421 and Tumor had just settled down on his bench when the happy
group came around the bend.

"Hi Tumor," Sandy said. "Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge. You can come
and live with us if you like, or we will help you build a mound of your

Tumor just smiled and looked at Sandy. "I think I would like to live
with you," she said. "I am already missing our Mom and the other kids,
so, thank you, I will stay with you."

No. 421 said Tumor could send a message home to Mom Kim if she wanted
to. After thinking it over, Tumor said she would like to thank Mom Kim
for everything, and send her love to the other kids.

"Mom Kim, I'm here now, and thank you for all you did for me. I'll try
to keep the family together till you get here, and I really enjoyed
cuddling with you on our last day together. I'm feeling ssssoooo much
better, and I love you, I miss you, and will wait for you forever. Keep
the other kids in line for me. Dooks, Tumor."

"There, can you get that back to earth," Tumor asked No. 421? "Sure,
I'll give it to Shooting Star, she does all my messages for me, and it
will go out tonight," No. 421 said. Oliver and No. 421 watched as Sandy
took Tumor by the paw and the group left for the Meadow of Dreams.

Oliver and No.421 started back to their cabin. Once home, No. 421 wrote
in his logbook, Mission Accomplished. Tumor is with family, and she
seems to be very happy. She will take care of them, till Mom Kim
arrives and I have no doubt things will be interesting down there.

Oliver finished the dishes, and picking up the axe, the two set out to
get a perch for Bluebird. She was very small, but he didn't want her
upset, or worse yet, going to The Boss with her complaint.

[Posted in FML 6864]