Have you thought about what would happen to your ferrets if you were
no longer there??? Would your spouse keep them? Do you have a friend
or relative whom you would trust with your furchildren? Have you made
arrangements for the care of your little ones if something should
happen to you?

Several of our friends have asked us to take their ferrets in, if
something ever happened to them. On three occasions, we have had to
follow through with that commitment. (Sondra Braid, Rita Bolin, and
Sandi Browning) These women were able to rest in peace, knowing their
furchildren would be OK.

I am listing below, some of our protocol, when friends ask us for help.
Maybe it will help you too.

When faced with this request, we always ask for pictures, within two
weeks, and descriptions of the fuzzies who would be coming to us. We
have heard our friend(s) mention names, over & over, but we need to
be able to put the faces with the names.

We ask that mom or dad mention as much about each little one as
possible, so that knowing who is who will be easier.

We ask what food they`re on--and what treats each one likes, etc.

Also, we ask if anyone has any health conditions, or is on any
meds--and if so, how much & what strength. If anything changes, we
ask for updated information.

We ask that the vet records are put in a place known to the family
(usually with the insurance papers and/or will) and that the vet
records accompany the ferret(s) when the time comes. It gives the mom
or dad a sense of security, and makes your life much easier too. If
mom or dad makes a special "gravy" recipe etc. you will not be able
to ask for it, after the fact--so get things like that down on paper
now---long before you need it.

If you have no one in mind yet, to take your babies, at least get the
pictures & descriptions etc. together, and put them with your important
papers. It will help later, if someone has to settle your affairs.

It`s never too early to think & plan ahead--especially regarding the
most important things in your life.


[Posted in FML 6863]