It's with a very sad, heavy heart that I write that our beautiful boy
has crossed with our help.

Diggy and his sister Agatha were adopted into our family 4 and 1/2
years ago from the Michigan humane society. They were appx 2 years old
when they were surrendered by previous owners to the human society.

When our family suffered the lost of our dear little Cholo at 8 months
due to jv lymp, I felt it would be a great honor to adopt/care for an
"older" pet to honor our little Cholo.

I totally remember meeting Diggy and Agatha for the first time. I was
surprised they were being kept in the "wild life" are of the Rochester,
MI humane society, when rats/guinea etc where being shown with the
other "small mammals"

They'd been at the humane society for 2 weeks (according to the worker)
I'll never forget the first time I held Diggy. Because he was so
stressed/sleep deprived his immediate reaction was to hide, down my
top. My first thought after he totally went down my top was "thank god
you're not a biter."

Over time Diggy developed adrenal disease, an enlarged spleen and
insulinomia. When it was apparent the our beloved Diggy was suffering
Rex (my husband) and I brought him to the compassionate doctors at Cobb
Emergency Vet clinic to help him cross. His abdomen was soooo immensely
distended, he started to show strain when urinating/ pooping/ as of
today breathing.

I do hope that you've found those who left before you. Cholo crossed
right before you became apart of our family. Since then Hanky, Bedlam,
Annabelle, and Louie have crossed. You will always been in my heart.

I am so grateful for our time together Diggy. You're a beautiful, XL,
biggy boy who will alway hold a place in my heart.

Love always,
Wendy, Rex
Agatha, Riley, Ahkee, Tink, Junior, Baxter, Meeko, Teddy Bear, and
Polly Prissy Pants

[Posted in FML 6839]