I share your anger at that Lymphoma, he has taken several babies from
me and now has another, my 3 year old tiny Candy packing her things for
the Bridge!!!. Right now she's doing ok, putting on cumbersome weight
from the Prednisone I give her to try to make her feel better, but she
will be leaving me before another year has passed!! We can only attempt
to ease the pain of Lymphoma, but in your case, you never had the
chance. My Boggle who was snatched away from me by that dreaded beast,
had only a few weeks left when he was found to have a large mass on his
lung after I took him in for a tooth cleaning. I hate it that we are
robbed by this monster, some of us long before we ever thought it would
be their time to go. For you, you never had the chance for your baby to
live his last days being spoiled rotten, or to spend his last days
grieving daily, while they are still with us, because that's one less
day they've got with us. I honestly don't know which is worse. I think
for you, the shock of this intruder coming out of the blue, taking your
baby had to be beyond devestating.. I am so very sorry. So many people
say "I'm sorry for your loss" when the truth is, you didn't just lose
your baby, he was STOLEN from you!

All I can say to you is I understand your pain and there are 100's if
not more who empathize with you. I know it doesn't take your pain away,
but you've got a place to scream, to vent about the injustices of

I will say a prayer tonight for you and Lucy.

Sue Pyron
Sue & Crew
Holly-bear, Buddy, and Little Candy, another victim of a wretched being.
Hide not amongst the shadows of grief,
but frolick openly in the meadow of memories.

[Posted in FML 6855]