Jasper, a cinnamon/brown colored chocolate, was put to sleep during a
surgery that showed he had numerous lymphoma tumors. It did not seem
like his time. He wanted to eat, drink, and play still, but the tumors
were causing blockages making him unable to eat properly anymore. They
were not removable. Jasper loved going into the cage first, making sure
everything was in it's place. He would scratch at the floor of the top
level until the food and water was cleaned and refilled, and then he
would eat, drink, eat, drink, and sleep a little before coming back out
to play. He was always making sure everything was "just right". I never
saw a ferret more in love with a plush cat bed than he was. He lost one
of his sisters, Daphne, last year when she passed away from an adrenal
tumor. His surviving brother, Rebel, and surviving sister, Sarah, miss
him very much, as well as all the other fuzzies who live here.

Then Mishka - a not even 2 years old yet sable, with beautiful white
markings on her face and paws. She died suddenly on the floor of the
cage from a tumor on her spleen that burst. Another lymphoma. My fiance
is utterly devastated, and he took off time from work to deal. She was
his little girl. We can't have kids, and he expected her to be here for
quite some time. Her brother, Alexi, has been sleeping a lot, but he is
getting over it we think. Bill, on the other hand, has been so upset.
I told him she knows that he loved her. How could she not? He told
her every day, she was his little girl. Mishka was the apprentice toy
collector/manager. Anywhere Sid would hide the toys, she would help, or
find a new place to put them. She'd always bound out from the middle of
nowhere, and jump on you, then quickly go back to wherever it was she
came from. She loved eating these cat-food nuggets meant for cleaning
teeth. We would find stockpiles of them everywhere she liked to sleep.

Two so close to each other really bites, but there's nothing we can do.
Such is the life of owning ferrets, I suppose, which is why we try to
make sure every day is an awesome day for them. Which I guess is how
humans should try to live their lives, too.


[Posted in FML 6854]