More about getting the right equipment. We have used the animal meter
for years and it has been one of our most important tools here at the
shelter. In addition to that let me add the heating pads for animals is
so much better than the human heating pads which can over heat and then
shut off without you knowing it unless you set a timer or your heating
a rice bag in the microwave............the ones for animals do not get
hotter than body temperature and stays on for days if you so need it
that long. You aren't faced with peeking their temps and then letting
them drop. Yes they cost around $80 but after years of using one,
saving lives of some really sick sick ferrets, I say it is worth its
weight in gold. If that temp gets down very much, you have lost your
ferret. We have brought back some we had little to no hope and believe
the heating paid, plus feeding every 2 hours through the day and nights
and sub'quing every 4 hours did the trick and I will still put my money
on the heating pad as all the other was done prior to us getting the
pad and the losses were significantly higher then. It's sometimes hard
to think its makes that much different till you use them - Like $8 for
a human meter or $15 to $20 for a human pad vs over $80 each on the
animal units. If you have to scrimp somewhere else, go for these 2
articles if anyway possible. It will pay you back dividends.

Millie and her ferrets and Danes 

[Posted in FML 6850]