Once again tragedy has happened at my home. Last Friday my little
Rickey crossed the bridge. Rickey was the last survivor from Coffee
Creek Ferret Rescue. He made the long move from Missouri to Louisiana
and adjusted to his new home so well. He originally came to me after
being dumped in Jefferson City, MO. He was the best natured ferret
ever. He had the cutest little face, he looked like a grumpy little
ole man. He got along well with any ferret that came along, never
fighting or being territorial. When I originally got him the vet said
he was between 3 or 4 yrs old. He lived with me for 6 1/2 yrs, so
despite being dumped and having to move far away he lived a long life.
He was the sweetest little sable ferret. I will miss him so much.


[Posted in FML 6848]