Possum Senior Reporter - Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
October 2010

Suzie Q here: Hey possum did you see mums face when she came home and
all the play rooms were cleaned up and the floors were steam mopped?

Possum here: Suz - why are you starting the news - that's my job -

Suzie Q here: well let's see - one because it is already the 11th of
October and you had not started it - two because you do not seem to
have a brain that retains information because you just called me Suz -
I am not Suz -I am Suzie Q -

Possum here: what ever - so what is this about mum and the clean
floors -

Suzie Q here: don't you remember the look on mums face when she came
home to find the shelter all put back together and the floors clean -
Miss Iliana came in while mum was away - to surprise mum - thanks Miss
Iliana mum was doing the happy dance -

Possum here: yeah what is up with mum being gone so many times and so
long - I thought with old lady Kay in a new home mum would be getting
home and staying home - what is going on -

Suzie Q here: is that gray fur working its way into that gray matter
between your ears - Old Lady Kay is at a new home but she fell and
broke her hip so mum has been going to the place she is at 3 times a
week to help her get better so mum and Miss Kathy can get old lady Kay
out of that place - back into the assisted living place - she broke her
hip the week after mum got a call that old lady Kay needed mum to come
get her to take her to a doctor - mum found the message from the home
that Mum needed to call them - When mum got done with our meds and was
walking out the door to head to Newark NY - Miss Margaret was walking
in - poor Margaret had to fend for herself - mum's evening got
progressively worse as it wore on - Mum and old lady Kay left
Canandaigua hospital emergency room at 1 am - mum got OLK back to the
Newark home at 1:30 am then mum got home at 2:30 am - one week later
old lady Kay broke a hip - lucky for mum Miss Kathy was on the east
coast so she went to the hospital with OLK this time and stayed with
her through the registering process and the surgery - Miss Kathy is
back west now so she does the telephone stuff and mum does the checking
in on OLK stuff - mum is happy with that arrangement - she hates the

Possum here: so how much longer are we going to have to share mum
with old lady Kay -

Suzie Q here: boy have you been sleeping on the job - old lady Kay
is walking again - mum will be taking her back to the assisted living
home some time this week - so mum will go back to checking on OLK once
a week -

Possum here: oh cool - hey mum got the fur kids on the giving tree all
done - here is the link http://www.ferretgivingtree.com/index.php -
Miss Mindy has it up on our web site too - Miss Mindy is an awesome web
master - Miss Mindy makes our site look fantastic - she also came to
help mum get flea meds on us - mum says she can do it herself but when
she does it alone and gets interrupted then she could get mixed up -
with Miss Mindy's help she feels better about interruptions - sure
enough she got interrupted when they were doing us - Miss Donna is
still doing our yard - pretty soon the yard will no longer need to be
mowed and she will come in to play with us while she helps mum do play
rooms - When Miss Margaret was here she mixed food for us - Miss Jackie
went shopping for us - Mum sure has lots of helpers to take care of us
in all kinds of different ways -

Suzie Q here: Mum asked us to tell you guys that she loves that you
send her links to see pictures and videos but if they are on face book
mum can not get into them - mum says she has enough trouble keeping up
with the emails - so face book is just not going to happen in her life
time -

Mum says she wants you guys to know that the new IFC shirts are on our
site - there are some left over shirts from the 2008 symposium too -
you can find them here
mum says remember all proceeds go to IFC - so go shopping and help a
good cause -

We had a second yard sale - Miss Iliana advertised it on Craig's list
for us - it was okay but there were so many other yard sales that we
had very little business -
 Possum here: Our yard sale help was Miss Brie - Miss Cathy D - Miss
Mindy H - Mr. Dick - Miss Gail - Miss Jackie on Saturday - Sunday Miss
Iliana - Miss Ginger - Mr Joe - Mr Carl - the guys trimmed our trees
for us - they even trimmed the one the raccoons were climbing and
getting into our bird feeders - thanks you guys for coming in to watch
another yard sale and working around the yard -

Hey Suzie - you see that picture way up top of this news letter - the
one of me and Andy - well we have a new shelter friend that had that
picture made into mouse pads - then he brought them to mum so the
humans out there could buy one to send mum money for us for food - is
that a cool idea or what - Thanks Mr. Dave - you rock -

Miss Genevieve is back to coming to help at the shelter now that summer
is over - Miss Pam and Miss Julia came to visit and play with us too -
Waving at you Miss Pam

Well Suzie I have no more notes for the news letter do you - if not
we can close this news for this month -

Suzie Q here: I have no more notes for the news - wow this is a short
one - Mr BIG is going to be so proud of us keeping this news under 3
pages - wonder if we lost some of mum's notes and we are missing some
news - you think -

Possum here: I think if we did loose some notes and we are missing some
news - mum will be sure to let us know about it - but we just made this
news letter three pages by chattering about notes -

anyway -
Until next month
Possum Senior Reporter
Suzie Q - cub reporter and the cutest one -

our new store site
Newest Shelter Video 
Shelter Video
Fur kids with new homes 
The Giving Effect 

[Posted in FML 6848]