Halloween is here, so that means it's time for a SOS Halloween Card
Exchange. Besides being tons of fun, you get to meet new and revisit
old ferret friends. If you haven't joined us, come on and give it a

Being that this is Halloween, we have a treat. A name will be pulled
from the list of participants, and the winner will receive a pumpkin
hammie full of treats.

Deadline to sign up is October 20, 2010

This is what you do. You email me at [log in to unmask]
and sign up. Then in about a week after dead line, I will send you a
list of 6 - 12 names (it depends on how many sign up). Then you send
a Halloween Card to each person on the list, and they will send a
Halloween card to you. My name will be on your list also, and if you
would like you can slip a dollar or two in my card. Then I will put
all the dollars together and send all the money to SOS, where it goes
to help ferrets in need.

Support Our Shelters appreciates your kindness and generosity.

Happy Halloween
Robin Jones
[log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 6848]