I finally have some time on my hands to do a little project I've been
wanting to do for two years now. I am in the process of making a little
movie for my YouTube account about Zee and how he came in starved and
dying younger than 7 weeks of age when he was sold as much older and
with false documentation. I carefully documented this case with scans
of certificates, reciets, video, photos of teeth, video, etc, etc..
so there is no arguing his case. In the vid there is a non stop, non
edited piece of film showing the ferret, his teeth, the reciet, birth
certificate, tats, and date on the tv. I'm doing this to demonstrate
that ferrets are being shipped to pet stores too early here in the
states, and that most breeders are doing this and even lying about
their ages to make the sale of "cute kits" in competing against each
other. I'd like to have just more than one case in my movie. Would
anyone have any photos (or vids) of a baby ferret that came in too
young and/or sick to a pet store? Alicia you supplied us with awesome
shots of an extreme case. I still have those on Shutterfly I believe.
Can I use those? And if so, can I please have some facts.

I want to make something VERY very clear. Alright? This has nothing to
do with targeting any specific breeder or farm whatsoever. In fact it
galls me that the case I documented came from the best of the huge
scale breeders, Marshall Farms, and that it's the only place depicted
in video. Path Valley is even worse with their practices, but I don't
have documentation of that to use in the film. Other large commercial
breeders are even far worse than these two. I will make clear in the
movie that the origin of the ferret has nothing to do with the point
of the movie. The point of the movie is that we need animal protection
laws in this country that prevent baby ferrets from being weaned,
operated on, vaccinated and shipped to pet stores too early. The
only good of the fact that this particluar case is a MF baby is that
demonstrates that even the best engages in this practice if only
occassionally, and actually must to compete with others who sell even
tinier kits. It speaks volumes that a higher quality place that gives
their animals good care and takes precautions still cannot prevent all
the harm that comes to a baby when it's taken too early under the best
of circumstances. There is also no way for someone to say there was a
mix up with ferrets in transport or that someone substituted some other
ferret and lied calling it a MF when it has ear tats.

Okay, so, please if anyone has photos ....anything that might help, it
would turn this from a little interesting personal movie to something
that is more powerful.


ps, still no replies as to where I can possibly load the 17 minute
Symposium movie that has music on it so you guys can all see it.

[Moderator's note: In my opinion the video is WAY too large. I'm sure
it can be compressed to a more reasonable size, but then there's the
problem of the music being, umm, "borrowed". Personally, I wouldn't
host it under those circumstances and I imagine many other places
wouldn't either, but you can always zip it and put it on a torrent
based file sharing service. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6838]