So , it's hairball season again, and once again as I'm looking at
the ingredients in FerretLax, I am wondering if this is the best
preventative for my kids.

Dobbie and Zoe have come down with the wild and crazy itchies. So have
the other kids. Itchies of this magnitude, this time of year can mean
one thing. Hairball time. They've all been laxed once already, but like
I said, I wonder if anyone has a better solution that doesn't have a
petroleum base. Is this really good for them? Esp. when I give it to
them a couple times a week during shedding times in addition to
brushing them.

I love the synchronized bounce, bounce, chew, chew chew. Bounce,
bounce, chew, chew, chew. Which of course, I have to encourage them
in the antics by saying..."get that itchie...come on, don't let it
win, get, it!!!!!" To which the bounce and chew is intensified. Crazy

Anyway, if someone has any ideas, let me know.

Cindy  & the gang of Slightly Used Ferrets (9)
Dobbin, Zoe, Oliver, Lollie, Dora, Ham, Cheese, Chepe, and Martin

[Posted in FML 6847]