It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was in her cottage sitting
on her rocker crocheting little toys for the kits at de orphanage. My
how they appreciated the toys. Not that she was great at doing these
(she dropped her stitches every once in a while), But still, she
managed to complete a number of them. Then she began to doze off. Then
all of a sudden she awoke to see the two eyes of Dexter, the little boy
courier, looking at her. And of course, he had a note in his paw. He

"SawaFewwet, I see you is asleep on the job again. I don't know why the
Boss hasn't fired you. Anyway, a fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge. But by
the time you gets there he will probably be wandering off and lost
forever. Now is there anyone you wants me to get?"

He handed me the note and I read it. Then I sent him off to fetch the
requested ones (hopefully). And I flew to the entrance hoping I would
be in time. Then I saw the beautiful big fuzzy, so I quickly introduced

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am the bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. This is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention the fun and games?"

He looked at me and said, "I just wanna go back home if you please.
This place may be nice and all that. So if you can just fix me up and
send me back that will be just fine."

I replied, "Uh, there is no going back, but trust me this is really a
very nice place and you will have your friends to play with. There is
even a place called the Otters MudSlide. And its really popular with
everyone here. Oh by the way, you are all fixed up in case you haven't

He sighed, "I had that feeling when you said that. But I thought just
maybe... My name is Diggy and I belong to Wendy and Rex. Do you know
them? They were so kind. Mommy rescued me and my sister from a dog
pound place. Boy was I scared. I sure miss my sister. I miss Mommy and
Daddy too. But I guess I knew when we went to that vet that that was
it. I was so sick. Mommy said I was beautiful. Do I look beautiful?
Where are all these friends at that you were telling me about? I don't
see any places to run and play?"

I answered, "Diggy, the Bridge is very very big. So there are plenty of
places to run and play. And later you will see your friends. Of course
you are beautiful; didn't your Mommy tell you that you were? Mommies
always tell us the truth. But I have another surprise for you. You are
gonna get your very own pair of wings just like mine--well not like
mine--they will be boy wings. So if you will follow me."

We went down de path to the Wing House where de wings were stored. But
at de door we met Hanky, Bedlam, Annabelle, and Louie. Diggy got so
excited. Now he knew I hadn't been telling him stories. There was a
brief reunion, but then we opened the door and on the counter he saw a
big box with "Diggy" marked on it. He ran and opened it and took out
the wings--blue with silver streaks. So perfect for him. Annabelle
helped him put on his wings and Louie adjusted his halo. Then he ran
to de big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection. Sure enough a big
handsome adolescent fuzzy stared back at him; yep Mommy had been
telling the truth all along. Then he turned to us and said, "Gee I wish
Mommy could see me now." Then I gots an idea.

Off we went down de garden path to de Misting Pond. We sat down beside
de cool clear water and with one swish he saw the vision of Mommy Wendy
and Daddy Rex and of course Agatha appear. He got so excited he started
waving and dooking with all of his might.

"I love you so much. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for rescuing
me. Take care of sister. I feel so much better now and I have beautiful
wings and soon I will be able to fly. Oh yeah, I found my friends here,
so I won't be lonely. They told me there are lotsa places to play here
so we are gonna keep busy."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and laid them on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by de time you should
read this it should have landed there. (Of course messages may be
delayed by those blasted meteors which insist on getting in the way).

We all stood around talking amongst ourselves and a decision was made.
So we advised Diggy to fly very low as he wasn't used to using his new
wings. (We didn't want an accident with a new arrival, after all). We
went pass the strawberry gardens and the daffodills thru the sweet
williams and then we spotted a big banner "Welcome to the Bridge
Diggy". Beside it was another fuzzy. And there we landed and Diggy was
introduced to the fuzzy who had crossed before him, Cholo. Diggy could
see that a big party was in progress. Food was laid out and music was
a-playing. And mercy, fuzzies of all colors were running around. But
what was that big thing standing up there. Cholo said, "This is the
best thing at the Bridge! This is the Otters MudSlide. But the otters
abandoned it and we got it. And just wait until we start using it. It
is so much fun." But first everyone sat down to eat and visit. Oh yes I
was invited to stay and eat and dance and zip up and down the slide.
But I could see that Diggy was really having fun. So I took him aside
and gave him a hug. I waved to all and said my goodbyes. It was nice
to see that Diggy was happy in his new forever home.

As for me, I flew off to visit with the Angel in charge of the Couriers
to see if Dexter could go on vacation to see if maybe he could relieve
his stress. Perhaps that was his problem. One could only hope and pray.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6846]