I just wanted to give you all an update here on fmlthat i have moved
to a different place and the shelters mailing address is now

 Arkansas Ferret Rescue Shelter for Hospice and Sp Needs Ferrets
 P.O.Box 7287
 Springdale, Arkansas 72764

For those of you that i know if you want my actual address please email
me at [log in to unmask] and ill see yas get it.. Now the 2
new kids that came in yesterday were found dumped in a walmost parking
lot in their cage all wired up, they look to be about 3 to 4 yrs of age
and actualy looked well cared for, anyways i got the call and went got
them but so far they both refuse to still eat at this time, i did get
them to teast the duck soup and it was like you want me to eat that
too. I have tryed different foods so far but no deal yet, i feel the
owner who had them is a one owner and they just couldnt aford or
something with them so would dump them in a parking lot, Their names
are Syres and Aires, when i let them in the qurateen play room to play
they just sat there seems like thay hadnt gottend out much when they
did move they went stright for the litter box and went to sleep, so
it seems like i have my work cut out for me with these 2. also I have
closed my doors to taking in any more ferrets til after January !st as
right now we have to many ferrets and needs to get some adopted out,
Both katy and I have over maxed plus Katy has been to busy to be able
to take on more with her Job and her Sprots events she does, so i have
to slow down for awhile cause i cant do this alone,, anyways just
thought id check in and give yas my new addy and will be checking again
soon, I havent heard anything on the giveing tree where to resaster yet
and i emailed someone about it and still havent heard back..

Take care and God Bless.

Arkansas Ferret Rescue Shelter..

[Posted in FML 6841]