With regard to the download of USDA paperwork, I really cannot comment
on much of it right now as it is a legal matter. It is obvious to me,
anyhow, that the emails between the USDA inspector to the County
veterinarian, saying I was "full of it" were not professional, and
that was my point in complaining about them to the USDA and the County
Manager in the first place. Then the letter that reads really awful by
the county veterinarian was dated Dec 21, but was, my best guess is,
written as a response to my complaints after Dec 21st, 2007 that went
to her boss, after the holidays. The timeline in the download goes
pretty much in order, though the date out of sequence is the date on
that letter. The emergency fax from Animal Control (signature blotted
out) to the USDA inspector requesting a copy of her inspection because
she had a meeting with the county attorney in "two hours" was less
about me or others than it was about her (or them), I'm guessing. After
the veterinarian left her position, I have been unable to prove them
false on all counts. The "dead" ferret outside my building was a pile
of leaves and sticks when we picked it up. The metal cups with algae,
not used in ages. The empty water bottles, maybe some, but we were
trying to complete our daily work and they were interfering. The
"crusted eye that would not open--" I picked up the ferret from its
nest box, woke it up, and it opened the eye to look at me. I showed
them that.

At the time, I called the county manager, the county commissioners, the
agricultural extension office, animal control, and told them to fine
me, charge me, whatever and take me to court, because I wanted to have
my say and clear up my name and get a legal statement to that effect.
They would not do it. Instead, they put a gag order on the county
officials not to discuss the matter with me, and the vet disappeared.
Coincidence? I don't know. But time after time, I was misquoted. Over
and over. I requested and demanded to be taken to court, but the county
would not. My vet would testify, and I had photos of every ferret taken
the day after the inspection. With the way they write up reports, they
can say anything, then it is recorded as fact. But fact is only fact
if it can be proven and the person writing the report is qualified to
testify, and I knew that proof did not exist. Where I am quoted as
saying this or that, I did not say that at all, or it was twisted and
distorted. If I ever do request to get a USDA license, I will be sure
to have my veterinarian there at the time of inspection, a vet tech,
one witness and a video camera, and I will not speak at all.

[Posted in FML 6808]