As you know, we churn out batches of Pingford's Porridge every couple
of days or so here in beautiful Big Sky Country. Nutritious blends of
beef, chicken, turkey, beef tongue, beef heart, and so on and so on.
Not only have I tasted cooked beef tongue, heart, elk and bison, I've
tasted the finished Porridge product! Warm, fresh and gooey, it tastes
pretty darned good, if I do say so myself. This came about as most
weird occurrances in my house do; a dare from my husband. He dared,
and I ate. And then he turned a weird shade of green and vacated the
kitchen. Whatever, tough guy!

So Alexandra, shall I set aside a bowl for you? You bring the wine, of
course! =)

Kimberly Emerson

[Posted in FML 6836]