I can order TF from a number of online stores. Our network orders
directly from Performance Foods and we receive a much appreciated
shelter discount. The main reason I (we) feed this to our ferrets
is we believe it to be the best ferret kibble available.

My (our) problem is we hold ferret educational events in stores that
no longer carry TF. They do carry a number of other ferret foods.

Yes, we *could* tell folks that they can order TF from a number
of online sources. I know the management of the stores that make
space/time for our events would not appreciate our sending their
customers elsewhere.

One trend I have noticed with the local pet stores is *designer
products*, as in CA-CHING!!

Doggie clothes. Leashes, collars with *bling*.
Complete line of Martha Stewart, dishes, mats, beds and blankies.
Caesar somebody bottled dog water.
*Green/Natural/Holistic/Organic* foods for dog/cat.

More food reps pushing their latest and greatest foods.

We really *need* the space these stores provide for us. We *need*
to help educate folks on everything ferret.

The baby ferrets sold here is astronomical. Every holiday the kiosks
are packed with adorable (and often on sale) little fuzz butts. Folks
come in from California, pick out a ferret (cuz they always wanted
one/their friend had one once/the kids Bday is next week).

Young buyers get their first ferret on sale, a too small cage on sale,
and the cheapest ferret food they can find. Darn hard to chase these
folks across the parking lot telling them they need to rethink the
choice of food, and why, and to order TF online.

One Labor Day weekend I counted 29 baby ferrets at one pet store on a
Sat. On Tuesday, they had all been sold. That was just one store, there
are several selling ferrets here.

So, we will continue to promote good nutrition along with all our other
suggestions for great ferret care. I just hope we don't loose our spot
in these stores.

Reno, NV

[Posted in FML 6835]