Hi All -

While FACT has taken in many disabled ferrets, this is the first time
one has arrived at the shelter that may be a candidate for a set of
rear wheels. :(

She just arrived and cannot move her back legs. She just drags them
behind her.

She appears to be about a year or two old. A petite girl just over 1

We've never tried a prosthetic cart, and are wondering if anyone has
one we can borrow for a short time to see if it will help this little
girl. We'd be more than happy to purchase one, but are just a bit
afraid that she won't take to it and may not have a need again for
another 19 years.

If you have one that FACT can borrow, we will be happy to pay the
postage to try it out and work with her for awhile. If it doesn't work
out, we will return it, if she does take to it, we will can make an
outright purchase or make a donation.

Thank you!

Ann Gruden
Ferret Assn of CT

[Posted in FML 6828]