I have this ferret named Miss Rosie. She is about 7 1/2 years old. She
doesn't live in her cage, she roamed the house and sleeps wherever. I
have be getting Lupron 100mg shots every month for 2 years now, then
she started Melatouin implants that last 3 months, she had 2 shots so
far and the next one is 10-6-10. The problem I have is if you pick her
up she starts licking and won't stop, she climbs in bed around 5:30am
and starts licking. Does anyone had that problem? I don't know what to
do and the vet is not sure either.She just eats her ferret food and
nothing else. Try to give treats but she doesn't want it. Any help
would be appreciated. Thanks.

[Posted in FML 6827]