Jennifer's Body is an interesting horror movie that I caught by
accident on HBO last night due to one of my wonderful bouts of
insomnia. The movie has horror, humor, sex and best of all...a pet
ferret. The heroine has a cute white ferret named Spector (he looks
just like Marley, Beck Vaughn's little guy). The ferret is portrayed
in a positive manner, living free range in the house and loved by both
the girl and her Mom. Anyway, thought I would share the "ferret movie
sighting" with you, especially with Halloween coming up.


Date:    Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:00:51 -0400
From:    Pie O' Pah <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Faith & Ethel Arrive at the Bridge Together!

Dear Darren,

Things are beginning to cool down around here, one can feel that
crispness starting to creep into the twilight, and the leaves are
slowly loosing their green in favour of their striking autumnal
colours. It is my favorite time of year, not only because it the month
in which I was born, but because my mum loves is as well, and this we
hold in common, much like all of our shared memories.

I was laying in my outdoor hammie when I heard Hobbes come stomping up,
yes, he stomps. He is the most grouchiest, the most disagreeable, the
most grumpy fuzzit I have ever known, and I love him with all of my
heart. I think, mostly, it's an act. He was mum's grouch in life,as
well as her - still to date - number one instigator, and since there
are much better instigators up here, he has to rely on his grouchiness
to set him apart from others, like he needs to do that. This is a place
where each and everyone of us is special as everyone else - but he is
Hobbes after all, and so the Big Guy allows him to "get his grump on"
<snort, giggle>

He continued to stomp right on up the my hammie and reached into his
courier bad and came out with not one, but two scrolls.

"Here ya go Pie.", he mumbled, "and by the way, they both are sisters,
so they will be arriving at the same time, the Big Guy let Faith linger
around and be of comfort to her dad, and to wait for her sister to join

And off he stomped, now I have to mention, that one can attribute his
stomp to the Wellies he had on, can you imagine a fuzzit in Wellington
boots, and it wasn't even muddy! That's my brother Hobbes for you, and
don't get me going on his winter get-up .... let's just say the Fashion
Police would give him a ticket for bad taste!

I sat down on the ground and opened both scrolls at the same time,
and there before me were pictures of two beautiful fuzzits, a lovely
champagne, and a gorgeous silver-mitt. Their faces were so warm and
open and one could see, just by looking at them, just how much they
were loved. As I read more about them, I was surprised to find just how
different they were from one and another. Faith was calm, and very mild
mannered, a sweet and gentle fuzzit girl, and Ethel was the wild one,
very enthusiastic, and given to long boughs of war dancing, AND as her
you aptly put it, "Prone to snoozing with her tongue hanging out." I
had to laugh over that one. I have a sister up here named Piper, she
would pull herself into her Cuddl_E cup and then stop half-way and go
to sleep with her bum hanging out! I bet they will get along real well,
don't you think?

As it always is when I am ready to go to and do a greeting, I have
found that the many loved ones in our lives will find their way to me.
It's funny, but when I first became a Greeter, I would have to go and
hunt others down, and then go and do the greeting, but as of late I
have found that we are all somehow tuned into one and another, and just
"instinctively" know just when it is time to be there. So it was no
surprise to me when I saw Hope and Lucy coming my way. The funny thing
is, I could tell there was a vast difference between the two. Hope had
very slow gate, and it reminded me of a a dreamy runway model, while
Lucy was running like a energetic line-backer, but you could tell that
despite these differences, there was both joy as well as sadness
reflected upon their tiny faces.

Lucy got to me first and tackled me but good, and then she got up and
started a wicked-mean war dance, and of course, I just *had* to join
in, but when Faith got there she stood upright with her hands firmly
set on her hips, and had this great Kate Moss squint and she said, in
a clipped tone.

"Lucy, we do not tackle the Greeter!"

And Lucy stopped war dancing all for but a few seconds and then she was
back at it again, and I had to admit, this was one vivacious fuzzit and
really enjoyed being near her seemingly boundless energy. But I also
could find myself at peace, just by merely observing Faith. It made me
all the more eager to greet Hope and Ethel!

It's funny, but sometimes it seems like a very short walk to the
Bridge, and sometimes it seems much longer, but it is never the same
path that we travel. It is almost as if we are given a chance to
explore different places which exist only here. This time the walk was
short, and I assume it was because it was not one, but two fuzzit's
coming our way, and both were leaving behind a wonderful and loving
daddy. I know it is never, ever easy to say goodbye to us, and it's
even harder still when it is a choice that is made by you, rather
then one we have made ourselves, but you have to know, and I mean
HAVE to know, that when you make that choice, you are showing that
you understand what lesson we have taught you, and that would be of
unconditional love. I know I say in it every greeting, and while others
may find it boring, or too redundant, but I can't even begin to explain
how it is the *most* important thing we will ever learn in our earthly
lives. You not only learned it, but exceeded it when you unselfishly
allowed Faith and Ethel to leave with their dignity intact, and *that*
was the best way to say I love you.

At the Bridge we saw all of the trees in their last stages of greenery,
and it was quiet. Like everything held its breath at once, to await the
newest additions to the Bridge. We watched as a low pool of mist came
flowing over water where the Bridge usually waits, but instead we saw
these large, flat and close-set rocks. The mist wound its way around
the rocks, making them quite prominent, and then we not only saw but
heard Ethel dooking and the next thing we knew she came running, with
no fear towards those rocks and then bip-bop-boo, she was here. She
just took to those stones like a fish to water and showed no fear.
Faith came gliding up gracefully after her, and her approach to the
rock bridge, was to lithely jump from stone to stone, which reminded me
very much of a prima a ballerina. I was so happy to see that she not
only got her lush silver-mitt coat back, but that her sister Ethel was
back to her wonderful voluptuous self!

There tender hugs and soft nose-to-nose bumping between Hope and Faith,
and of course tears. Girls like to cry, or least some of them do, but
it was a far different story with Lucy and Ethel, as there was much
loud dooking and some very fierce war dancing, and of the two, I had
to join in with the war dancing of course!

So if there is any question as to there safe arrival, I hope this
greeting abates it for you. Both Faith and Ethel are here, and they are
whole and happy, and ever so grateful that they had such a wonderful
daddy in their lives. And as I hope you know Darren, they send you love
as well as keep of the love you ever gave them, and wear it around them
like a ray of light.

In Love & In Comfort

Pie O' Pah

P.S. The Big Guy made a new room, and guess what it's filled with????
Empty Sun Chip bags!!!!

[Posted in FML 6822]