I am so happy to see that the posts disapproving of the off color joke
were so polite as well as eloquently worded. Everyone's points were

I did want to come aboard however to add to something to the
discussion. I'm not trying to take away from anyone's opinions ... but,
I wanted to suggest that when reading the joke be careful to not be as
narrow minded or as superficial as the stereo types portrayed in the
joke are. At face value, yah, you could easily jump to the conclusion
that the joke is meant to be hateful towards specific people. IF it
were meant to be read literally and seriously, it would be. But it's
NOT, its a joke. Meaning it is not to be read as such and so therefore
none of it is true or real. Meaning the author is making fun of the
stereotypes portrayed and those that believe them! That's why it's a
joke and not a statement.

I like to put as much thought into art and humor as the creators do. It
was brilliantly written. And the whole point of it was to make fun of
stereotypes and their believers. Not people stereotyped.

I guess it's all about how you choose to live. Even if I'm wrong and
the author meant to hurt people and was serious (and he didn't), I'd
still choose to look at the joke just as it is, a joke. And I'd suck
every bit of humor and enjoyment out of as I could just like I do with
everything in my life. I understand some people cannot do that. And I
understand something like this can hurt people and why. I'm not arguing
that. I just disagree with what others may have thought the intent of
the joke was or what the joke was meant to make fun of.

For record, I personally love to laugh at myself and family and welcome
others to as well. I"m mentally ill (that means I'm a mental case),
"thick" (that means I'm a fat chick), my one son is an eccentric goof
(yup, he's a 'tard), and the other is mentally challenged (hello ...
Rainman!!! Kmart sucks.). I'm Italian (ooo, too many slang terms for
that to list) and Irish (the alcohol stereotypes would fit moms side of
the family perfectly). We have been on food stamps, welfare and more in
the past. Chet's dated people of all races, my nephew is gay, my dad
once upon a time was bigoted as heck. My neighbors are rednecks (and
not always in the "funniest" of ways or todays' "fashionable" ways). I
can't stop typing. Because my life is full of stereotypes.

Dont' argue with me and think that I just don't get "the hurt". Because
I agree with statements of posted. I full well know why someone should
be politically correct. But I'm just also clarifying that the full joke
wasn't understood. It was meant to make fun of the stereotypes and
those that believe them. Lastly, I wish for everyone to be able to
find it within themselves to be able to laugh in the face of anything


[Posted in FML 6819]