We've switched the ferrets entirely over to Kimberley's Ping's
Porridge. They are loooking good. I'm assuming that they do not need
anything else.

We've now started to feed our cats as well as dogs homemade food -- it
consists of meat, extra fat, and wheat kernels -- all presssure-cooked.
The cats get more meat per serving than the dogs. I tried adding a can
of tuna. The cats weren't interested, but the dogsloved it.

Would eggs supply anything more that they need? Can you think of
anything else they might need that I can buy in the form of food?
E.g., what contains taurine??

Should I add vitamins? Can you suggest something I can get in bulk --
a few pounds at a time?

How about bone meal? Anything essential there they wont get in their
current diet? I've ordered some for the ferrets. Would adding some
bones to the pressure cooker do some good, even if we take them out
before feeding the animals?

[Moderator's note: Please answer off-list. Meanwhile, I suggest the
following lists doe Nell:
Perhaps people here know of other lists too. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6813]