It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was resting in her hammie.
(Mercy, she had been so busy this past week with her bridgegreeter
studies--yes as always, bridgegreeters always have to brush up their
skills with the Boss--and for sure it would never do to FAIL A TEST.
But she had passed everything and so.) It was nice and peaceful, and
the kits were out playing. Then she heard a knock at her cottage door,
so she hopped out of the hammie, and went to answer. She opened it and
there stood Dexter, the little boy courier, with a note in his paws.
He said, "Hi SawaFewwet, I has a special message for you. A fewwet is
cwossing de Bwidge and her Mommy wequested you gweet her. Bet you are
surpwised I knocked on your door, huh. Anyway, do you want me to wound
up her gang?"

He handed me the note and I read it. (Okay, I made the assumption that
he had already read it since he mentioned the gang). So I asked him to
get the group and meet us somewhere like the Wing House or such. He
assured me he would. I could only hope my message got through to him.
But he seemed like he had behaved so unusually well for once, so I gave
him the big task. Then I headed for the entrance hoping I would be in
time. Of course not, why did I think I would be? I saw the little girl
fuzzy looking around as if to start to head off on her own. I ran up
to her and introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. (PANT-PANT) Welcome to
de Rainbow Bridge. (PANT-PANT) Dis is your new forever home. Here you
will have no more pain or suffering. You will run on green grass
forever and have lotsa friends. Did I mention de fun and games?'

She said, "How nice to meet you. I am Gracie and I belong to Mommy Kim.
Do you know her? Do you always breathe like that? Maybe you should see
a nice doctor like I always did. Mommy said that I would get to see my
friend here but I don't see him; all I see is you, but I guess you will
be nice to play with just as well. I promise I won't bite you. Mommy
rescued me from a nasty place where I was in a hamster cage. Have you
ever been in one of those? In a lot of poop. I mean I couldn't even
move around without stepping in it. Do you reckon those other people
that had me before lived like that--slept in places inches deep in
their own poop. I mean really!!!!! Us ferrets are clean; we are not
nasty and dirty; the nerve of those people. But I wasn't very nice to
Mommy; I did bite her until I got to know her better. Do you think she
ever forgave me for the marks I put on her? Oh yeah do you have any
extra white fur that I can put on as I am kinda bare and I would hate
for my friends to see me like this and could you fix this nasty bump
behind my ear."

I replied, "Lets see if I can answer your questions Gracie. No, I don't
always breathe like this. I was in a rush and I ran instead of flying;
its a long story. I have never met your Mommy although I have greeted
many who have belonged to her so I feel as though I do know her. You
will get to meet your gang in a little while, but we have some other
business to do. I won't worry about the biting. I am sure your Mommy
forgave you a long time ago. She kept you, didn't she. I was a bit of
a nipper until I crossed the bridge and I left many a mark on my mommy
and I know she misses me still. As to your previous owners, ah well you
can never tell about people. Maybe they did live like that. Some people
prefer to live in their house piled up to the heavens in their own poop
also. However some people (sadly) live in nice houses and leave their
fuzzies to live in poop. GO FIGURE! One of these days the Boss may send
a lightning bolt to them to remind them of what they are doing. Now to
your fur and your lump. Have you checked yourself since you arrived?"

She reached down and felt soft white fur and reached behind her ear and
NO LUMP. There was fur on her back too. She said, "How did you get so
much fur to cover all of me." I replied, "Its just one of those things
that happens here when fuzzies arrive at de bridge.

And then I told her about the big surprise. I showed her my wings and
told her she would be getting her very own pair special for her and in
her own color. But she would have to follow me. So off we went down de
garden path to de Wing House where de wings were stored. All of a
sudden POUNCE! POUNCE! we were set upon by 4 fuzzies (oh yes! Dexter
had told them to meet us at the Wing House, but not how to meet us).
Gracie and I were underneath this group of happiness and as we prized
ourselves out she was greeted with hugs by them. Her buddy, Cole, and
of course Bob, and Frank, and Jesse and then there was me, SaraFerret
with the bent wings. I laughed along with them all--hey I can be a good
sport after all. But we had unfinished business to do so we opened de
door to de Wing House and on de counter was a big box--of course.
Gracie opened de box and took out her wings--bright pink with silver
streaks, oh so perfect for a little fuzzy who had been through so much.
I helped her put on her wings and Cole adjusted her halo.

Then she ran to the big vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection and
saw all of her new fur and yes it was all there and the lump was indeed
gone and she turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me
now." Den I gots an idea.

So we left there and went down de path to de Misting Pond. We sat down
beside de cool clear water and with one swish we saw the vision of
Mommy Kim appear. Gracie got so excited she started waving and dooking
with all of her might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for rescuing me.
I am sorry I bit you. Its too bad people like my other owners were so
nasty. Thank you for holding me while I crossed."

Then she began to throw hugs and kisses and one new strand of white fur
and laid them on a nearby shooting star and by de time you should read
this it should have landed there. And with another swish the vision was

We left there and went down the road and the boys were busy visiting
with Gracie and telling her about their cottage and the party they were
planning. I could tell she was all wrapped up in her new life and had
no more need of me, so I gave her a hug and I just slipped away. I
could tell Gracie was now happy in her new forever home.

Lovey and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6804]