We are so happy with the Sun & Earth products! They`re non toxic,
biodegradable, safe for use around children & pets. They smell
WONDERFUL---and they WORK!!!!

The all purpose cleaner is excellent for spraying & wiping countertops,
cabinets, & litterpans. Also excellent to shoot in the corners & wait a
minute before cleaning hidden "accident" discoveries. The smell is very
uplifting--like freshly sliced orange. (We buy the gallon jug of
concentrate & dilute it ourselves. Less expensive.)

The laundry detergent is gentle, but very effective. When we first
began using it, I noticed their bedding became "brighter" & smelled
better. It appears that the formula really works on ferret oil!

The fabric softener smells so wonderfully clean--and the ferrets take
on the smell of their hammies & sleepy sacks, making them smell good

The dishwashing liquid cuts grease beautifully, and is kind to hands.
My hands are in water much of the time--and I have no hangnails, and no
dry skin! I wash meds & soup dishes twice daily, and also all of the
special feeding dishes. (Special note: We don`t have a dishwasher, so
I`m washing all of the HOUSEHOLD dishes by hand TOO!)

Other products have caused some of our little ones to sneeze--but these
products are non-irritating. I don`t have to worry about using it
around all of our "little helpers" LOL. If this company ever goes out
of business, I will be lost!

Their products are cost-effective in the long run, and the shipping
cost is low. I believe it is sold in stores, out east. The company does
not give us a discount, but they have special offers every month. Their
website is www.sunandearth.com

Hope this helps. Love, Zoo

[Posted in FML 6803]