I want to say im sorry I havent been on much this last week or should
I say sence my Kaleb passed away, I already told a couple of yas whats
happend the night of Kaleb passing but now is the time I need to tell
yas whats going on and please any advice is helpful..

the m0orn when Kaleb went to the rainbow bridge it was relly hard on me
cause he was my very last personal boy I had for 8 yrs, I still have a
little girl with is soon to be going as she is almost 10 yrs and we
have been fighting with her insulioma and she is way to old for surgey
for it.. BUT anyways that evening my partner and I had went to go get
ice cream from Bryums, I always take the back roads cause I just hate
the highway traffic, but as we was comming up behind briums up this
road there is old apts and duplexas. (Bad area of town) it was raining
that night and I happened to make the turn and as I turned the crurve
there was this little white what I thought was a bunnie or a rat or
somthing any ways I ran over it, it kills me when I run over an animal,
I` slamed on my breaks as it was hoping across in front of my car.

I cryed I was so scared I had killed it, we got out of the car and
looked under it and there layed a tiny white ferret I had relly lost
it then but when I got her we didnt see no blood or broken bones from
the little girl but she was scared and so stiff anyways when we sdaw
she was ok we forgot the ice cream and rushed back hom ewith her and
started our useal bath nail cutting and boy she nneeded that big time
and ear mite treatment/flea treatment and warm bed made for her and so
forth, gave her fresh food water and even loven, we noted the next day
she didnt touch her food or water she had tears in her eyes, later that
after noon she layed there still hadnt touched her food or water, Katy
got off work that after noon and came over looked in her mouth to see
see bout how old her was, Katy and I both liked to have craped cause
all her teeth had been grinded off not broke off someone filed her
teeth down and her mouth was in bad shape, we took her on to the vet
and Dr Wright had confermed what we thought with her, also she was very
dehryted and she had watery dirriea/ vomating so dr took her home over
night to try and help her, that was a week ago, Sunny is still in the
hospital the only way she will eat anything is if we hand feed her or
force feed her when she refuses to take in anything, age guess is under
a year possable around 5 to 7 months dr said, she had to have been a
biter cause of what they did to her teeth we think. if they try to give
her anythingt she throws it up, ducks soups anything, thats why shes
still in the hospital, I just wish she would hurry and get wel so the
drs will let her come home, The drs are doing everything in theor well
power to keep her alive and going, and she all have her spoiled up
there cause she is such a sweetie and so frageal , if she can come home
Katy and I can try someof our tricks that just might help her get back
on her feet, CAN anyone that has had a hard time feeding a ferret any
kinds of foods maybe have a speachal trick that just night get them her
to eat, Guys I goota save this little girl. tomorrw I dont care she is
comming home so I can work with her I feel I can do a better job Katy
feels the same wya I do. this is getting costly.. Susan and sorry this
is so long..

Arkansas Ferret Rescue Shelter

[Posted in FML 6777]