So very many people have contacted me from the FML with kind words and
I can't thank them enough. All of us have fuzz butts, tube dogs, rug
lumpers, raisin chompers, ankle biters, fur dogs or one of those many
names they are called by and most have lost one or more over the term.
If you haven't, you will. Is inevitable where ferrets do not have a
very long life span. They become a part of the family. When the sudden
absence happens, all kinds of things come to mind no different than
when you lose a human family member.

When that happens out of every tragedy comes a benefit and in these
kinds we then have the opportunity to visit a local shelter and bring
a homeless fert to a new forever home. I have done this so very many
times and do not regret any one of them.

I won't be replacing Peekaboo where I still have Pester Doodle. But
when that time comes, well, I do have this 2 foot deep, 4 foot wide,
six foot tall cage on wheels that will beg for another warm fur ball
to keep it company.


EnvelopeHow much in your home was made in the USA?

No longer are we self suffecient, we are owned by other nations and
are at their mercy.

[Posted in FML 6801]