A few days ago, because someone kept asking me if Steve and i should
try this for Hilbert, I asked on the FHL if there is such a thing as
a safe dose of sodium bicarbonate for ferrets with kidney problems
because I knew from looking it up that the compound has the potential
to do very serious damage and can be the cause of multiple serious
health problems.

Well, I got a vet email today that there are way too many attached
risks to normally consider it for ferrets. The vet indicated that the
very concept of people trying it caused a feeling of dread since so
much can go so very wrong from it.

So, now you know that, too.

If a vet wants to experimentally try it for an animal who fits the
profile for it that is one thing, but non-vets should NOT assume that
just because this stuff is around the house that they should assume
(incorrectly) that it is safe for ferrets.

>Now, these were only human studies, but I did not find any in ferrets
>that appeared to be applicable to the search I was doing that day:
> <http://www.la-press.com/forty-years-abuse-of-baking-soda-rhabdomyolysis-glomerulonephritis-hyp-article-a869>

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:
"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 6798]