I would like to thank Sara for her beautiful greeting of my precious
boy Cole. It was the most touching ever. Unfortunately I have another
loss, this one so hard I can barely type this without tears choking
me. Yesterday my sweet little angel Gracie went to be with her other
friends. After Coles gang all left for the Bridge I put him with
Gracie for the last year or so. I guess she just didn't want to live
alone without him and yesterday she left too. I have written several
times about Gracie on here. She was rescued in 2004 from a horrible
situation. She was in a hamster cage about 5 inches of feces on the
floor and abused so bad. When she came to live with us she would bit to
the bone anyone who touched her. We would have to use welding gloves to
hold her. Finally after several weeks of me holding her several times a
day. I took the gloves off and she bit, I didn't put her down, I just
kept holding her. Everyday for a week I would pick her up and love her
and she would bit the crap out of me. At the end of a week I picked her
up and she didn't bite. I knew we had crossed a special place. From
that point on she never bit me again, she bit everyone else, especially
men. I found out also that she was deaf, and that it was a common thing
with albino's. So we learned to first tolerate each other and then to
love each other. Two years ago she was diagnosed with adrenal disease
and we started treatment, we had treatment for a year and then it no
longer was working so we stopped and decided to let nature take its
course. Gracies hair had all come out but she seemed to be doing well.
She developed arthritis in her back feet and had a little trouble
walking so I helped her. But then last week she developed an ear
infection. I cleaned and medicated, but yesterday I noticed a big lump
behind that ear and it was so painful for her. I took her to the vet to
have it looked at, there she passed away. The vet said it wouldn't have
mattered he couldn't have fixed her lump because of her poor health.

I knew that this would be hard because that little girl fought so hard
to live before she came to me, and fought so hard to learn to trust
again. I will miss my little lady so much. So Ms Sara please watch for
my pink eyed albino angel and tell her her momma will never get passed

Thanks Kim

[Posted in FML 6796]